Problem: Sharpness with panorama photo

When creating a panoramic photo, a different number of photos is needed depending on the lens. All automatic functions should be switched off to avoid any unpleasant surprises when adding up the panorama photo.

When taking a picture at a new location, you should not forget to adjust the focus level to match the new subject. In the following panoramic photo above the roofs of Tübingen all automatic functions were switched off, but unfortunately the focus level was forgotten to be adjusted according to the subject.

Before taking a picture, you should therefore turn on the automatic focus on the lens and focus on an important element in the panorama. Before shooting a series of shots, it is essential to turn off the automatic focus so that the focus level is the same for all individual photos and ultimately the focus level of the panoramic photo is the same.

In the following example photo the problem is not yet clearly visible in the overview.

Panoramafoto mit False Sharpening Plane
Panoramic photo with false plane of focus

However, as soon as you zoom in or zoom in on the image, the blur is very clearly visible in important areas of the image (roofs and the castle of Tübingen).

Panoramic photo with wrong plane of focus - enlarged the problem is well visible
Panoramic photo with wrong plane of focus - magnified, the problem is clearly visible

Remember about the sharpness of panoramic photos: Set sharpness to an important element of the image and always switch off automatic focus (autofocus) for the series of shots of the panorama photo.