Data privacy statement

The protection of your personal data when using this web service is an important concern of mine. I will handle your data within the frame of the statutory regulations confidential and careful. Following I will informe you which data is collected while visiting and how they are used.


This webpage uses cookies. Cookies are short text informations, which are safed onto your data carrier and contain settings and data which are interchanged with this webpage. Cookies help me optimize this webpage for a pleasent experience and easy usage. For example cookies safe some inputs that you do not have to repeat them everytime you visit it.

third-party providers

This webpage works together with third-party providers for promotional purposes and the enrichment of the service range of this web content. Because of that the data of your webppage usage is partly accessable by third-party providers:

Integrated videos are hosted on YouTube and can be directly accessed from there. YouTube is using Cookies.

This webpage is using tracking pixels and session cookies of the Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort München (VG Wort) for measuring the access on texts and estimating their possibility to get copied. Session cookies are small bits of information, which a provider saves on the memory of your computer. A session cookie will be created with a random created identification number, a session ID. Additional a cookie contains the information about its origin and its storageterm. Session cookies can/'t safe other data. These measurements will be made by INFOnline GmbH after their Scaleable Centralised Measuring System (Skalierbaren Zentralen Messverfahren (SZM)). They help in estimating the copy possiblitiy of single texts for the compensation of legal claims of authors and publishers. We do not collect personal data with cookies. Many of our webpages are furnished with JavaScript calls, with which we report accesses towards the Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (VG Wort). We enable with that method, that our authors are part of the distributions of VG Wort, which distributes the lawful compensation for the usage of copyright protected works after § 53 UrhG. A usage of our offers is possible without cookies. Most browsers are set so that they automatically accept cookies. You can deactive the storage of cookies or set your browser, that it sends you a message, when a webpage wants to send cookies.